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7 Ways to be a Virtuous Woman & Wife: A Christian Woman's Guide to Godliness

"A Virtuous woman is worth more than rubies." - Proverbs 31:10

Photo credit:  Alena  Savchenko.
Photo credit: Alena Savchenko.

"A Virtuous wife (woman) is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her...she brings him good, not harm, all the days of her life.

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household...

Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: 'Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all. ‘Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.’” - Proverbs 31:10-30.

What is a Virtuous Woman and Wife?

A Virtuous woman and wife is confident and wise without being rude, compassionate and patient without weakness, and courageous and proud without arrogance. She is elegant from the inside out and her kindness is reflected in her soul. Her presence alone demands respect for she is a woman who is authentic in her faith and who boldy fears the Lord!

A woman of virtue is comfortable in her own skin and does not seek the attention from others. She can have a good time while also remaining faithful and respectful in every situation.

A virtuous woman is the epitome of elegance, grace, and modesty.

Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman

Photo credit:  Alena Savchenko.
Photo credit: Alena Savchenko.

A virtuous woman has full and complete faith in God and in His Son, Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour, and she is completely devoted to the both of them. She also understands that being a woman of virtue is more important than wearing designer clothes, expensive perfume, and nice jewelry. She is less interested with the world and more interested in submitting to God.

Here Are Seven Ways to be a Virtuous Woman:

1. Always be respectful ~ No matter the situation, always show others respect. Remember, how others behave reflects them. How you behave, reflects only you. A virtuous woman can handle constructive criticism and accept feedback from others. She owns her weaknesses and is willing to work on them, but also acknowledges her own strengths and is proud of them.

2. Dress Modestly ~ A virtuous woman always looks her best, whether she is running to the grocery store, or attending a black-tie event. She dresses elegantly and with dignity at all times. (For tips on how to look elegant, see my article: Eight Must-Have Items for Every Christian Woman.)

3. Be assertive ~ Always voice your opinions, speak your mind without fear, and stand firm in your truth in Christ Jesus (John 14:6). Walk with your head held high and learn how to be articulate and well-spoken. Never use slang or vulgarity.

4. Be a good example ~ Set a good example to those around you. People tend to study a virtuous woman, especially younger girls and women. They will not only admire you, but will also learn from you and want to seek God in Jesus Christ earnestly, just as you have done. People will also appreciate the positive influence you set for others to follow. A virtuous woman is contagious!

5. Be confident ~ A virtuous woman is confident in her own skin. She neither needs nor seeks the validation or approval from others. She knows her self worth, because she has been "...fearfully and wonderfully made," by our Heavenly Father (Psalm 139:14). Whatever she sets out to achieve, she knows she will be successful in doing so.

6. Stand in your truth ~ A virtuous woman always stands up for what she believes in, even if she stands alone. She will also fight for the injustices of others without fear.

7. Be Resilient ~ A virtuous woman is resilient. She can bounce back from difficult situations and overcome obstacles without breaking nor folding. Bad times do not keep her down, they only build her back up and make her stronger. A virtuous woman never complains or plays victim, but always strives to have a heart of gratitude.

Independent yet Unafraid to Allow Her Husband to Lead

A woman of noble character is independent, even when she is married and in a relationship. She is constantly learning, growing, and evolving as a person. She is never clingy or dependent on someone else (including her husband) to make her happy, because she is capable of doing that all on her own.

A Virtuous woman is also not afraid to submit to her husband under God the Faither, in her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, because she is strong in her faith and is completely devoted in it.

She is also faithful to her husband at all times and respects and submits to God's Holy Order (1 Corinthians 11:3-4) because she has full trust in God where both her marriage and husband are concerned.

Intelligent, Private, and Completely Devoted to God

A virtuous woman is wise and intelligent. She nutures and renews her mind daily by reading the Bible and God's Holy Word (Romans 12:2). She is devoted to, and more interested in, pleasing God the Father than in pleasing the world around her (1 John 2:15-17).

A woman of God is also wise with the company she chooses to keep so that she is not tempted by sin and the unrighteous living of others. She instead chooses friends who are committed to loving and fearing the Lord just as much as she is devoted to Him (2 Timothy 2:22).

And last, but certainly not least, a virtuous woman is private. She understands there is sacred power and protection in privacy. She does not overshare her personal life and business to those around her or on social media.

"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." ~ Proverbs 31:30.

Photo credit: Alena Savchenko.
Photo credit: Alena Savchenko.

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