The Story
I recently watched a crime story on TV that really bothered me. It was about a group of young women in their early 20s who had all driven to a halloween party together at a large rural farm in late October 2014; however, sadly, one of them would not be returning home.
What made this story so heart wrenching to me is that two of the young women who had accompanied this young lady to the party had LEFT HER THERE ALONE - without a cell phone, purse, or jacket - because, according to them, they had somehow lost sight of their friend and they were unable to find her when it was time leave.
Please keep in mind that this party had well over 500 people attending it.
Can you imagine the horror this poor girl felt when she realized her "friends", who she had trusted, had abandoned her and left her at a party alone? No phone to call for help. No jacket or coat to protect her from the cold? No money or i.d. No explanation as to where they had all gone? And from my understanding, she really didn't know anyone at this party.
Witnesses later stated that the victim had been seen walking around the party crying. She did, however, somehow manage to call one of the other girls who had abandoned her and politely asked her if she could please return to pick her up from the party, but the girl said she had been drinking and was in no position to drive.
What? So that's it? You're not going to call around for your "friend" and get her help? Especially when you left her with no phone or money? I wouldn't leave a stranger alone in this type of situation, let alone my friend.
In fact, I come from a generation where we didn't even allow our girlfriends to go to the restroom alone when we went to a party or a club. We stuck TOGETHER!
We were raised, if you go together, you leave together.
Well, to make a long and sad story short, the poor girl's body was found six months after she was left at the party; She had been brutally raped and murdered.
I was so saddened and angry about this whole story that I thought maybe I should write a post on the topic in the hopes of possibly preventing something like this from happening again.
And I also thought, maybe I shouldn't be so harsh with these young women. Perhaps these young ladies had never been taught about prom safety or about how, as women, we should always look out for one another when out or at a party.
So, with prom season and summer approaching, I wanted to go over some safety tips that parents and young women of all ages could have and keep as a personal reference.
Important Safety Tips for Prom, Parties, and Other Social Events
Avoid alcohol and drugs. Nowadays, people are slipping things in drinks, even the bartenders are doing it. You don't have to drink to have a good time. If you must drink, have one designated person in the group to drive and who will also be sober and of sound mind at all times. At the same time, no one should be expected to "babysit" you. Be responsible.
Don't accept drinks or rides from strangers.
Never set your drink down or leave it unattended. I think you should take bottle water, but that's just me.
Stay with your friends! Don't wander off alone, look out for each other, and stick together.
Share your location with your parents or family members.
Wear your seatbelt every time you get in a car.
Listen to your gut! If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't.
Parents: set up a ride for your teen to and from the prom or event. Discuss prom night "rules" and make sure they understand that no matter the situation or how late it gets, they can ALWAYS call you for help.
If renting a limo, be sure to check the limo company's driving record and don't be afraid to ask the company to provide it to you.
Get a complete itinerary, including who your teen will be partying with, addresses and phone numbers for the prom location as well as any after-parties your teen plans to attend.
Consider arranging specific check-in times throughout the evening.
Talk to your teen ahead of time on how to handle difficult situations, such as what to do if someone who is intoxicated offers them a ride home or pressures them to do drugs or for sex.
Conduct a thorough venue inspection. Make sure the location complies with proper safety standards.
Find out who will be supervising the event and any after-parties. Be sure to speak directly to that person.
Don't allow your teen to attend a party where alcohol is being served to minors. (Some parents allow underage drinking.)
Some parents have a safe "code" with their teen in the event they are in trouble. They simply text the safe "code" or symbol to their parents to indicate they are in trouble and need help or need to be picked up. At this point, the parent calls the child with an "emegency" and asks the child for a location to be picked up. I personally would even stay on the phone with my child until I reach the point of destination.
Consider volunteering to assist in supervising the prom or after-parties your teen will attend.
Never rent a hotel room for you teens after the prom. You are their parent first, not their friend. You will also be held responsible under the law for any crime, injuries, or unlawful activities that might take place in that hotel room.
If your teen wants to have friends over after the prom, please lock up all alcohol.
Stay up and wait for your teen or loved one until they safely return home.
If you find this post helpful, please share it with others.
Maybe if we all work together, we can share awareness on prom/party safety and increase the chances of our beloved mothers, sisters, and daughters returning safely home after a night of having fun.
Ps, this post should also be shared with our sons too. I have seen horror stories of boys being violated at parties as well.
Stay vigilant, stay safe, and may God bless you and keep you in Christ Jesus.
Author’s Bio
Isabella Boston
Isabella Boston is a Wordsmith and the creator of Bella’s Attic Studio. She is well-versed in copywriting, articles and research, and medical content writing with a focus on traumatic brain injury (TBI), autoimmune disorders, and inflammation within the body. She is a diarist and the author of Passion of Flames.
When Isabella is not writing, she enjoys reading, fashion, learning new languages, and spreading God’s Holy Word.